The Armstrongs

The Armstrongs
Shane and Paige

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Missionary and So so so Much More.....

So we sent Andrew off to the MTC last Wednesday. I must say I think that was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do! But it was also a very proud moment for our family! Our family has come a very long way spiritually (for those of you who know us). No one would have ever thought that any one in the Smith family would ever even come close to the MTC. Andrew bless his heart is the biggest sweet heart I know and I already miss him every single day! I constantly want to text him to see how he is doing and I can't!!! The people of Guatemala are getting a very special boy and they better take care of him! Better yet, they better be prepared for him!

Below is a picture of my Mom and Andrew and it is SSOOO Sweet! This was right as we dropped him off at the curb and had literally 5 seconds to say good bye!

Here are the proud parents!! You done good Mom and Dad! Now you just have to wait for 2 years for him to come home! He will be an awesome missionary!

A very sweet picture of Max and Andrew....I think that Andrew will miss these boys more than anyone! The love their uncle "Wandrew". I get all teary eyed thinking about it! They were so sweet and I don't think they even know how long 2 years is.

Everyone minus Brando who came to the MTC with Andrew to send him off. Some sweet sister missionaries took the picture for us so we could all be in it!

Andrew and I, and Max and Dad some how snuck their way into the picture. Oh I am going to miss this boy!

This is the More part, Andrew left on Shane's birthday, so we really had no choice but to throw him a birthday part while we were all up there together. Shane has never experience a Smith birthday family party. I think he liked it!

I baked him a spice cake.....Needless to say, my cake writing skills are starting to fade. But I thought it was pretty good for only one trial run.

And finally, the so Much more. This will be a testament to how many people actually even read my blog (which I don't think is very many), but still, I don't plan to announce on facebook until later but....Shane and I are expecting!!!! Yes we are pregnant!!!! Finally! It has been a very long difficult raoad for us and we have been trying for a while. We finally are confidant enough to announce it to everyone. We have told all of our family and most of our friends. Now everyone in the world can get on my blog and see that WE ARE PREGNANT!!!
My official due date is April 8th, 2012. I am at 13 weeks right now (1 week away from my second trimester). We were able to go to the doctor on Sept 14th and see that all was well with our little Bean (what we are calling it till we know what it is). We are so excited to be parents and we feel like this is long over due!
This is a picture of me at 13 weeks. No forgive me for not looking 100% done up. It was late Sunday night and we remembered. So I re arranged my pony tail and made sure my shirt was clean and away we went with the pic. I am not so much showing and I can no longer suck my fat in. I feel that in the next couple weeks it will be baby. Hopefully the next picture I will look better!
We do have an ultra sound pic but I am going to have to take the time to scan it and upload it...which I will, just not today.

Well that is all of our news for now!
Until next time
-The Armstrong's


  1. I read your blog...every time you post!!! I am so excited you are pregnant finally!! Our kids are going to be best buds!!! I cant believe how close in age they will be-a month apart!! I cant wait to see you again. Dale told me he wanted to leave me for shane after you guys left. haha! He keeps saying that we need to double again and hang out some more! Hopefully you all are doing well!!! Cant wait to see you again.

  2. Congrats on the baby.. You will make great parents...Tim is already calling Shane "Papa Shane"....Good luck picking out your crib...
