The Armstrongs

The Armstrongs
Shane and Paige

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cascade Falls

Shane and I both had the 25th of July off (in celebration of July 24th), this is a unusual event so we decided to make the best of it. We were at home laying on the couch when Shane ask if I wanted to go on a hike. It have been forever since we have been hiking so I was on board. We decided to hit Cascade Falls up by Navajo Lake. This was the first time that I had ever done this hike, needless to say I was impressed. It is a fairly easy hike, there is a well worn trail, but you get going on it and it is like a straight shot down on one side, and on the other it is straight up. It was a beautiful hike. We got to the falls and here is the pic!

Shane and I's famous picture we take of ourselves. It was seriously such a nice day. It was a little warm but there were black clouds rolling in. By the time we got done with the hike it had started to rain and thus cool off a little bit.

Another amazing view!

Luckily, we were able to find some on to take our pic together at this look out. I am grateful for nice people!

This isn't of the hike, but it is proof that we hit up Groovefest this year. We didn't stay for long but it was still way fun. Always love the music! My aunt Chantal and Uncle Brian were down here for the weekend, so we got to meet up with them. We also got the chance to what my cousin Wyatt play baseball and have Emily spend the night.

I must admit that this summer has been pretty amazing! There have been some rough spots, but overall we have had a blast, we got to go on one big vacation, as well as many small spectacular ones. We have downsized to being a two car family!!! We sold the Bigone and my Pontiac and we were able to buy a newer truck. That made it easier for us to be able to go us to the cabin more. We have spent quite a few weekend up there (that to come in a later post). My little brother also got his mission call so we were able to go through the temple with him. He leaves in a week and a half and we will be able to go to his fairwell as well as see him off at the MTC. I think we could both agree that life is good!
Until next time!
~The ArMsTrOnG's~


  1. looks like you all have had a blast this summer! I told Kayliegh that aunt paigey was coming to see first she looked at me like I was crazy. Then I told her you were my best friend and she pipes up with "she my best friend too momma". we are so excited to hang out and see you!
